571-283-8216 [email protected]

Keeping your space clean is essential for running a safe, high-quality, successful Manassas daycare center. A clean child care facility reduces the spread of germs, which affect the wellbeing of children and daycare staff. To ensure your children are healthy and that your Manassas daycare center can pass inspection — by parents and licensing professionals alike — here are a few important facts about Manassas daycare cleaning.

Differences Between Cleaning, Sanitizing & Disinfecting

You know that it’s important to regularly clean, sanitize, and disinfect surfaces and objects in your child care center. But what does each action really do?

  • Cleaning is done using soap or detergent and water. It removes dirt, debris, and most germs through washing, scrubbing, and rinsing.
  • Sanitizing reduces germs to safe levels, according to regulations or public health codes.
  • Disinfecting destroys or inactivates most germs (but not bacterial spores).

The standards for cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfecting might vary by state or region, and there may be different rules in place for your daycare center or school. Generally, regular cleaning must be done throughout the entire center, and regular sanitizing and/or disinfecting is expected in areas like bathrooms, kitchens, or diaper-changing stations.

Quick Manassas Daycare Cleaning Guides For Each Area

When students are learning and interacting with each other in close environments like schools and childcare facilities, they are more susceptible to the spread of illness-causing germs. To abide by your regional and industry cleaning standards, it helps to know how to get the “deepest clean” in each area of your center.

While many areas of your childcare center are maintained by your staff, a Manassas commercial cleaning service can be key in ensuring your facility provides a healthy environment for students and employees. Below, you’ll find a short outline of what should be cleaned, sanitized, and disinfected by area.

Child Care Areas

Generally, items like toys and pacifiers should be cleaned after each use, then cleaned and sanitized at the end of every day. Items like dress-up clothes, machine washable toys, blankets, crib sheets and mats should be cleaned each week.

A Manassas commercial cleaning company can ensure all daycare hotspots such as door handles, drawer handles, drinking fountains, floors and common area furniture are thoroughly cleaned at the end of each day with the appropriate health-based disinfectants.

Food And Food Prep Areas

We all know mealtime can get messy, especially in a daycare. Tables, chairs and highchair trays are often wiped down quickly between uses to make sure everyone is fed, and employees can get back to caring for the children. However, cleaning spaces that involve food such as food prep areas and cafeterias, should go beyond just a simple wipe down to reduce cross contamination.

A Manassas commercial cleaning service can help reduce the spread of bacteria from surfaces and high-touch points by using cleaning techniques, such as color-coded microfiber cloths for the different areas inside your space, giving you a safe and clean space to enjoy your meals.

Bathrooms And Diapering Areas

Items like changing tables and potty chairs should be cleaned and disinfected after each use by employees. At the end of the day, toilets, countertops, sinks, faucets, and floors should be cleaned, rinsed, and disinfected to prevent the spread of germs. To eliminate cross-contamination and the spread of illness, these tasks should fall into the hands of a Manassas commercial cleaning service.

Daily Practices

Your center is likely abiding by many of these practices already, but they’re worth reiterating:

  • Employees should wash their hands between handling every child.
  • Store cleaning products in a safe, locked area that kids can’t access.
  • Leave plenty of time for areas to ventilate and dry off after cleaning.
  • Keep any policies on sick kids, hand washing, cleaning and sanitizing posted so staff and parents can see them.

Choosing A Manassas Daycare Cleaning Service

Running a daycare center is hard work and having enough bandwidth and expertise to keep up with thorough, routine cleaning can be a challenge. To stay on top of the mess and maintain a spotless center, you need a health-based Manassas Daycare cleaning program from a brand you can trust.

While employees keep up with daily wipe downs, the right Manassas daycare cleaning service can greatly improve your ability to reduce the spread of germs and illnesses as well as prevent cross-contamination in your center. From classrooms and cafeterias to libraries and restrooms, Francis Cleaning LLC in Manassas use the latest cleaning techniques to help prevent the spread of germs.

Our process pays special attention to cleaning high-touch points, helping students and faculty have a happy, healthy learning experience.

Let Francis Cleaning LLC fight germs for you, so you can focus on providing the best care for kids.

Contact us at 571-283-8216 or write us here to learn more about our Manassas Daycare Cleaning Service.